Extract from a conference speech in which Gavin from think training demonstrates how tricky communication is using the worlds most common word... sex!!
Apparently as a human being you can take in two million bits of information per second. it seems the majority of this information is dealt with by our sub conscious.
Consciously we can deal with about 7 chunks of information when you give out your phone number you usually break it down into two or three segments. why because we cant cope with things above 7.
So your sub conscious has great control on how you act, communicate, think. live your lives think about it you dont notice the fact you are breathing you do this unconsciously you would want to breathe consciously you would be knackered!
Have you ever driven somewhere and wondered how you got there. scary is it perhaps its not a bad thing that your sub conscious is taking you to your destination (it can deal with 2 million bits of info per second). Remember when you learnt how to drive you drive very consciously its difficult.
All of this makes communication very difficult because we delete, distort, see what we believe etc etc
Lord Digby Jones shares his thoughts on the economy, interim management, and what attracted him to become a senior advisor to Impact Executives parent company Harvey Nash Group.